Summer Night in Astronomy Town
Credit & Copyright: Babak
Tafreshi (TWAN)
Explanation: This serene view records a late summer night sky over the
rolling, green hills of planet Earth. It was taken near the rural village of
Saadat Shahr, Fars province, in southern Iran. Saadat Shahr is also known as
Astronomy Town, as
the inhabitants
demonstrated a remarkable
for sky gazing. Fittingly, this Astronomy Town sky view finds a lovely part
of the Milky Way near picture center. The three
brightest stars are the stars of the
Summer Triangle,
Deneb in Cygnus (top), Altair in Aquila (left), and Vega in Lyra (right). The
foreground landscape, illuminated by Astronomy Town lights, includes a kind of
wild pistachio tree common in the region. To identify the stars and
constellations, just slide your cursor over the image.
Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff (MTU) & Jerry
Bonnell (UMCP)
NASA Official:
Phillip Newman Specific rights
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